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Adrienne Brotodewo

发布:2024-08-31   来源:    阅读:


Adrienne Brotodewo (Dr/ Research Fellow)

Email[email protected]

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Future Industries Institute

About me:

I am a geologist with a background in geology, geochemistry and geochronology. My research interests lie in the development of new geochemical tools using accessory mineral phases (e.g. zircon, rutile, monazite) to aid in mineral exploration, particularly in cover dominated terranes. This research addresses a current global issue of an increase in demand for metals coupled with a decreasing rate of discovery, as the exploration frontier moves to deeper terranes which comes at an increased cost and risk. This research is being undertaken as part of MinEx CRC (Mineral Exploration Cooperative Research Centre: www.minexcrc.com.au).

I was awarded my PhD from the University of South Australia in 2021. The research undertaken in my PhD focused on using zircon as a geochemical exploration tool for iron oxide-copper-gold deposits in the Gawler Craton, South Australia. After submission, I undertook a short internship at the Geological Survey of South Australia working on the Delamerian Orogeny. I then commenced work at the University of South Australia in 2021 as a post doctoral researcher in the MinEx CRC and as a lecturer in Earth Science.


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