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Laura Morrissey

发布:2024-08-31   来源:    阅读:


Laura Morrissey (Dr/ Research Fellow)

Email[email protected]

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Future Industries Institute - City East Campus (BJ3-32)

About me:

I am a geologist who applies principles of metamorphic petrology to understand a variety of larger questions relating to tectonics, high temperature processes and ore deposit genesis. Metamorphic petrology involves determining the pressures and temperatures that rocks experienced, based on their mineral assemblages and chemistry. Metamorphic rocks can be used to understand the processes that have shaped the Earth over billions of years.

I was awarded my PhD from the University of Adelaide in 2017. I commenced work at UniSA in 2017 as a post doctoral researcher on an ARC Linkage Project. I now work as a post doctoral researcher in the MinEX CRC.

My current research interests include:

  • Tectonics and continental reconstructions of Australia and Antarctica over a billion years ago, including implications for the location of mineral deposits.

  • The generation of highly saline fluids and their role in ore deposit genesis

  • The role of melting and melt loss in the generation of high temperatures in the crust, crustal strength and the ability of rocks to record metamorphic events

  • The role of melting in chemically differentiating the crust, and the role of this in the formation of ore deposits


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