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Sithara Walpita Gamage

发布:2024-09-03   来源:    阅读:


Sithara Walpita Gamage (Dr/Program Director)

Email[email protected]

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UniSA STEM - Mawson Lakes Campus (P2-18)

About me:

Sithara is the Program director for the Civil Engineering program (LHMI) and has contributed to UniSA engineering education for 14 years. She also has been the program director for the Associate Degree Engineering programs (XTEN, XTENE, LTEN) and Flexible Entry Engineering program (LHEF) (2021-2022).

Sithara has contributed to 11 UniSA Engineering courses as a lecturer, course coordinator, content developer and student supervisor. She has engaged in curriculum development and assessment moderation, with a focus on improving course quality. She has promoted innovation in student-centred learning. She has provided leadership and support for the programs' planning, development and quality assurance by facilitating reviews, amendments, credit agreements, course mappings, moderations and promotional activities for UniSA.

Sithara has conducted workshops promoting the use of digital technologies, predominantly using Moodle Learning Management systems in teaching. She received  UniSA award for ‘Innovative contribution to digital learning’ in 2017. Over the past 14 years, She has successfully promoted digital learning practices to a broader audience through workshops, presentations and publications.

She has established a foundation in Engineering Education research and promoted high-quality teaching practices while contributing to pedagogical innovation. She has engaged in collaborative research focusing on digital teaching and learning.

She also has background in Water Engineering with a focus on surface water hydrology. She has contributed to the Australian Rainfall and Runoff (ARR) national guideline update project.

Teaching is her passion and she is committed to pass on her knowledge and experience to inspire the next generation.

2014, Ph.D. Water Engineering-University of South Australia

2009, Master of Water Resources Management-University of South Australia

2005, B.Sc. (Hons) Engineering-University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka


西安建筑科技大学坐落于历史文化名城西安,现有雁塔、 草堂两个校区和一个科教产业园区。雁塔校区南...
成立于1991年,其前身是成立于1889年的南澳理工学院 和成立于1856年的南澳高等教育学院的三个校区...

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