About me:
Dr. Yue Liu completed his PhD in Civil Engineering from the University of South Australia in May 2022 and worked as a Posdoc in Professor Yan Zhuge's research group. In February 2023, Dr Liu was promoted to the position of Enterprise Postdoctoral Research Fellow, a role selected by the deputy vice-chancellor and research deans from over 460 applicants, with only ten being chosen. In September 2023, Dr Liu was awarded the Australian Research Council Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (ARC-DECRA), along with research funding of $429,347 AUD. Now, he is working as an ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher at UniSA. In addition to the ARC-DCERA award, he received the Circular Economy Thesis Award, presented by Premier Minister, Mrs Susan Close. He serves as a guest editor for Case Studies in Construction Materials (JCR Q1 journal).
From 2020, along with a passion for green construction material, Dr Yue Liu has published more than 30 JCR Q1 journal papers and three book chapters. His research work has been cited in over 398 documents, leading to an H-index of 18 and over 700 citations. Some of the international journals in which he has published include Cement and Concrete Composites, Resources, Conservation & Recycling, Composite Part B: Engineering, Journal of Cleaner Production, Science of the Total Environment, Journal of Environmental Management, and Construction and Building Materials.